Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Shopping is a privlage, not a right...But it always FEELS so RIGHT!!!

It is ridiculously hot outside! Holy Toledo! This week has been very long....scratch that, the month of August has been extremely loooonnnnnnnnggggg! I thought I would never get to this weekend which is the start of my week off! I am so ready for the break, I haven't had a week off from working since I took that little two month hiatus between Ford and BMW. So here it is, the week I've been waiting for to do absolutely nothing, wooweee, how great, except my retarded self decided to pack the week with appointments and lunch dates. Who does that? I do that, that's who. But it should be fun for the most part. My parents are going down to Palm Desert, and I of course being their only offspring am the one put in charge of their house and everything that goes along with it. The "everything that goes along with it" would entail two cats, the dog Mr. Darcy, and a gazillion frickin plants. All of these things are not allowed to die on my watch. Let's just say it's a lot of pressure. Oh you don't think so? Then you've never met my mother.
I just got my discover card bill, I spent $415 on it in the last month. What the heck? What did I even buy? I have no idea! I seriously have a problem. People wonder why I have my mother as my personal "accountant" It's because of crap like this! Like, the other day, I got an email from my Citibank credit card. It read, "Congratulations! Your credit line has just been increased to $8500!!! blah blah blah" I read that and about choked, since my Chase bill has decided that I'm "too risky" and have decided that they want their money back now, so my monthly payment has skyrocketed up to like $300 a month. But $8500??? Do you know what I would do if I was fully in charge of my money? Oh man, that would be gone in about 2 months, if I was lucky. I truly am a bonafide shopaholic. Wait, scratch that, as of today I'm a "recovering shopaholic" Today is day one. Don't they do like a serenity prayer or something? Mine would be, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot afford, pay cash for the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference between what I want and what I need" I should totally make chips for myself and everything. I could bedazzle them, but wait, I would need to BUY some poker chips for that, hmmm....I think that would be moving in the wrong direction. I'll just stick to the prayer for now.

ps....I have to give a shout out to the birthday boy today! One of my very good friends turns 30 and we're going to celebrate by riding the bull tonight!!! Happy Birthday!

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