Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Joy Behar, I hope you get laryngitis so you can no longer speak

So I'm off this week, and I am splitting my time between my parents house (aka Noah's Ark) and my own house (aka home sweet home.) So I came home this morning, and was sitting in the living room with my roommate, her daughter Gilda, and my roommate's sister. Yes, we all live together! Plus we have my roommate's husband, Mr Roomie. Don't judge, it takes a village....

So Roomie, Gilda, Lil Sis and I are all watching The View, which I can't stand. Every time I watch it it reminds me of going over to a friends house for dinner when you're a kid and the friend's parents start fighting in front of you. It's awkward, which is exactly what this show is.

If you are a fan of The View, please stop reading now. Don't worry, I'll wait...

Okay, are they gone? Good.

I think Joy is the most retarded woman alive today.

She drives me nuts. She just opens her mouth and word vomit comes out. Where did they get her from? The loony bin?

I started to wonder what made her so special that she gets to be a co-host of a well watched television show, AND just won a daytime Emmy as well for it. So I looked her up on Wikipedia. I actually look up a lot of people on Wikipedia, it gives a pretty good bio, and usually filters out all the B.S.

This was not the case with Joy Behar. Why you ask? Because the woman's life IS just a bunch of B.S. This just proves my point that she is the most retarded woman alive today.

I'm going to give you guys the cliff notes version, even though the bio is already slim, hey, she's not that well-rounded.

It basically says, she's Italian-American, (then why do you seem so Jewish??? You give the Jews a bad name and you're a gentile? That must piss off a lot of Rabbis') and she grew up in Brooklyn. She got married, she got divorced. She's currently been living in sin with her boyfriend for the past 20 something years. Which never makes sense to me. Why just live with someone? Shit, if you're going to put up with someone and their bad habits you might as well make it so you can get alimony if they decide to peace out on you later on. But that is a topic for later. It doesn't really talk about her career, she's just a comedian, and it says she a member of the view. My favorite part is where it talks about how her and Star Jones hated each other. It even quoted part of their feud. It also says that the conservatives don't like her, the catholics don't like her, and even some civil rights people don't like her. I'm getting the feeling Joy probably wasn't voted most popular in high school....


Joy actually has a master's degree in English Education. What the funk? If you're educated why do you say stupid things?

I bet you all are wondering what Joy said to piss me off this morning. Lucky for you, I like to share!

The hosts where talking about Mr. Obama and how he is going around giving speeches about the importants of education to the children, and that the GOP are irritated and giving him crap for it.

Joy spat out that "white people are afraid because they are eventually going to be the minority."

First of all Joy, you're white, so shut your face. Secondly, the GOP doesn't like Obama, and it doesn't matter what he does, we are going to find some way to complain about it. Get over it. If it bothers you so much please take the time to vote for someone who actually can get the job done in 2012, but if you would like 4 more years of us complaining, then just re-elect the man. But please, please, do not say stupid retarded things like white people are just afraid. That is just dumb, and racist.

And last but not least Joy, I don't like your hair.

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