Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

Monday, September 21, 2009

Double Dilema

Have you ever just wanted something so bad that you couldn't stop thinking about it? Well that's how I was last week regarding a double cheeseburger from McDonald's. For five days it was all I could think about. I would wake up wanting one, and fight myself all day long on getting it until I went to bed. I'm sure the people I was working with this week were ready to stab me in the juggular, because it's really all I talked about. I would ask my co-workers where they were going to lunch, and ask them if they would eat one for me, then tell me how good it was. They didn't do it. Bastards.
I bet it seems strange to you why I couldn't just go ahead and eat one. I'll tell you why. Because McDonald's is THE DEVIL. I swear they add some sort of crack to their food, because I love it, and if I eat it once, I want it again, which isn't possible at this time.
See, my dad developed diabetes about 7 years ago, and lately has been having trouble sticking to the diet he should be on, which doesn't include breads or pasta or sugar, or carbs. Basically he's screwed when it comes to food. I love my dad. Yes he's a cranky mo-fo, but he's the only dad I have, so I want him to be around and healthy for as long as I can help it. Which is why, even though I see him like once a week I have cut out all the things he can't eat from my diet as well (only to a certain extent...hey, no judging, I'm not the diabetic here!) But really, I have been for the most part pretty dedicated to it. My dad says that just knowing that I'm doing it makes him feel better about it. That's my reasons, so now you know, but back to the double cheeseburger...
I finally got to Friday, and I think I was going a little insane. I thought about it every 5 seconds. I wanted the damn burger, I could seriously taste it in my mouth. I was starting to become a snatch too. The BFF called me and I totally snapped at her, literally giving her the excuse, "I'm sorry! I just really want a double cheeseburger!" She told me to just get the damn burger. Way to be supportive BFF...
I was getting sweaty and all worked up over this cheeseburger. It was like a battle against good and evil going on in my brain, I couldn't even see straight. The darkside was pulling me in like a vaccum sucking up a bad penny. I got in my car to run a few errands, trying to get my mind off the burger by chain smoking. It didn't help, it just made me smell like smoke. I felt like an addict that was trying to get off the meth, "This is what's it's like for druggies" is all I could say. I now have a greater respect for all drug addicts and their come-downs from highs. Stay strong my brothers (fist pounding to the chest as I say that...)
Finally I couldn't take it anymore.
I found myself in the drive-though.
I made the exchange for the "stuff"
I brought the bag home.
The Roomie saw it. Her reaction? "Oh boy! You caved!"
I didn't give a f@*k, I was one happy girl.
I sat there with that double cheeseburger in my hand for a good five minutes, just cherishing the moment.
And then I took a bite...
mmmmmmmmmm yummy is all I have to say.

I know some of you are thinking I'm weak, but I couldn't stand it! I needed to get on with my life and I couldn't until I had that damn burger. So screw you Velda!

I'll see you in line at the drive though.

1 comment:

  1. ROFL!!!! You have a hilarious stream of consciousness. That was a good read. I personally hate McDonalds, but I've been there just about every day for that accursed mushroom swiss angus burger. That thing calls to me in my dreams!
