Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Story of one of the worst husbands in history...and it's all true!!!

I have to share about this super awesome documentary that I watched this weekend called Crazy Love.

It starts out in New York City in 1957, and this man Burt meets this woman named Linda. Burt is instantly drawn to her. She's young and beautiful and pretty much the bomb diggity. Burt looks like a schmuck, but is a lawyer and has oodles of money, owns a nightclub and his own plane, therefore Linda is smitten, and they start a relationship. The problem is that Burt is already married. Apparently he didn't take his wedding vows too seriously, because he liked to hop around from girl to girl. All before Linda though. Once he met her all the other women were scum on his shoes. Linda was the bee's knees to Burt.

But Linda found out that Burt was married. He tried to stall her with fake divorce documents, and took her house hunting, all that jazz. Meanwhile, his wife Francine had given birth to a mentally handicap little girl.

Well finally Linda catched on that Burt is never going to actually divorce his wife and she leaves him. Burt goes balistic.He hires people to throw rocks at her window so she'll be afraid and come back to him. That doesn't work, so he hires people to beat her up so she'll be afraid and come back to him. Doesn't work. Throughout all this Linda continually goes to the police for help in vain. They do nothing to stop Burt's antics.

Linda decides to go to Florida for a month with a girlfriend and her family. There she meets Larry, and they fall in love. They go back to New York and they get engaged. Burt finds out and is basically pissed. He tries to kill Linda, but doesn't have the guts.

Burt hires a man who then goes to Linda's house and tells her he has a wedding gift for her. Her mother tells her to come to the door and when she does the man throws lye in her eyes, blinding her. She's blind. Her eyes are super messed up crazy looking and she has to wear dark glasses to hide them. She has some vision, but not much.

Burt goes to prison. Larry leaves Linda.

After fifteen years in prison Burt is parolled. He goes on a local news interview. On that interview he says he still loves Linda and wants to marry her.

Linda's friends somehow get Burt and Linda in the same room. He proposes. She marries him.

Years later Burt is charged with sexual assault and threatening violence on a woman he cheated on Linda with. He is aquitted at the trial, but admits to the affair.

Linda stands by Burt's side through the whole thing. They have been married for over thirty-five years.


Let me get this straight. This man lies about being married, and then blinds you when you try to move on with your life, then you still marry him years later. He cheats on you with another woman and has to go to trial for it, and you still stand by him and call him a wonderful husband? Lady, I thought I dated a lot of douche bags, but Burt takes the cake. He is by far one of the worst husbands in the history of husbands.

This goes to show how women crack though. If a man is persistant enough, eventually the woman will break down. I say no way jose. We women have to stick to our guns. Even though I don't have a guy throwing acid in my eyes, I still put up with a lot of bullshit. And for what? What is it that I'm holding out for here? Why do I hold on to someone who doesn't try to hold on to me? More on that later...maybe.

Ladies, lets try not to marry guys like Burt. Guys, try not to throw acid in a woman's face just because she left you.

Linda and Burt before any acid flinging...

Linda after the incidnet..

When they first got back together...

Burt and Linda today.

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