Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mr. Roomie

Sometimes in life we take for granted the people we care about. Why do we do this? Isn't it odd that we treat complete strangers better than we sometimes treat the ones that really matter in our lives?

I have to give a shout out to Mr. Roomie today. Mr. Roomie, you're the bomb diggity.

Why you ask is Mr. Roomie the bomb diggity?

Answer-Any man who can live with 3 women and a little girl and not go crazy and stab us all in our sleep at night is a strong person.

Mr. Roomie is not perfect, he is loud and obnoxious at times. He always interupts when I am trying to watch something on TV. He always asks a question instead of just watching when they tell you the answer 5 seconds later. I've finally trained him to be silent during Big Love and Mad Men. He knows all questions are saved until the end of the program.
Mr. Roomie also throws things away. A lot. He is a uber clutter freak. I say clutter because he isn't so much a clean freak, he just doesn't like clutter. So we have one cupboard in the kitchen that is jam packed with anything he feels should not be left in eye sight. This cupboard is like the burmuda triangle of mail and paperwork, pens and anything else you can think of. He also throws away food. One morning I woke up and knew I had one bagel left, and was super excited to eat it. I open the fridge to see that he had pretty much thrown everything out. Including my cream cheese. Ugh.
Mr. Roomie also likes to think that he knows everything, and he doesn't. He listens to his co-workers and their retarded theories about the economy and politics and then spits that stuff out to us here. We always end up shutting him down.
I used to enjoy most sports, until Mr. Roomie and his crazy obsessivness with all sports. Take for example football season, we have to watch all day Sunday and Monday night. Why? Why can't you just watch your team and then tune into ESPN for the highlights from the other games? It drives me bonkers.

This hasn't been much of a shout out yet...but I'm glad you stuck through to the end to hear it.

Mr. Roomie is a good dad. He loves his daughter, even though she has him wrapped around her little finger and doesn't like to discipline her, he is still a great father.

He loves his wife. He works hard to be the man that she deserves to be with.

He is a wonderful friend. He would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it, no questions asked.

He is forgiving. He believes the past is the past and all we can do is move forward.

He puts up with all the women in this house giving him crap, which like I said previously would usually drive a man crazy, becuase us women, we can be mean.

All in all I wouldn't trade Mr. Roomie in for anyone else. So here's to you Mr Roomie, I'm glad that you're around.

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