Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

Monday, October 12, 2009

I love the Red Sox, even thought they suck this year

Because I am a crazy gypsy I sometimes do things that might seem a little odd to the average non-gypsy. One of those things being my red nail polish during the playoffs. Basically I paint my nails red at the beginning of the MLB playoffs and I do not remove that particular coat of paint until the Red Sox have either; A- won the World Series or B- let someone else have a shot at it (translation being they loose)

I prefer the former to the latter to happen.

So this year the Red Sox won the wild card. Playoffs began and I got my red polish manicure.

Today, I got to take it off.

What the hell? I am HELLA mad right now. The Angel's totally shut us out. This is the second year in a row that I am left disappointed. Last year, during game seven once I realized we weren't going to beat Tampa Bay I literally left my house to drive around until the game was over. When I came home and everyone confirmed that, yes Boston had lost, I sat on the ground and cried. That's how much I love the Red Sox.

All I want is two in a row. Two World Series championships back to back. It's not that hard, I know we can do it, and we get soooooo close is what upsets me.

To some of you I might sound a little greedy, since many Red Sox fans, including my dad had to wait a really, really, really REALLY long time just to have them win ONE World Series. 86 years to be exact.

My love for the BoSox started when I was a little girl. My dad took me to Baskin and Robbins. It was when you could get your scoop of icecream in a bowl the shape of your favorite baseball team's hat. I remember my dad made me get the Red Sox. I think I wanted the A's or something, but he simply looked at the cashier and said, "She'll have the Red Sox cup."  Damn you dad, you sucked me in.

The year that the Red Sox finally won the World Series was 2004. My mom, who is also a gypsy, but could care less about baseball, said that they would win it because the last time they had made it to the World Series was 1986, and it had been 86 years since they won a world series. It was a sign in our gypsy language, and I had high hopes for my team. So when we were 3 games down against the Yankees I felt a little down. But then game four, we won. And then we won game five, and six. The series was tied, it all came down to game 7, and we won that too. The poor Cardinal's didn't have a chance, the momentum was too strong. We shut them out. It was the best. I remember sitting there, watching the game with all of my friends, and I pointed at the TV and said, "I'M WATCHING THEM WIN THE WORLD SERIES!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!" It was awesome.

The next time the Red Sox won was 2007. This was a special year because this year represented when my gypsy powers became stronger than my mothers.
I called that they would win in February. 2007 was the year of the boar in the chinese new year. Not only was it the year of the boar, it was the year of the Golden Boar. This only happens every 600 years, and it is a lucky year for anyone born in the year of the boar. Well, I'm born in the year of the boar, so 2007 was my year, and since the BoSox are my team they were for sure going to win. Hands down.
Then later in the year I was at work and someone pointed out that I had blood on my ankle. I had cut my ankle and was bleeding and I didn't even know it. I was walking around with a bloody ankle. A bloody ankle! Someone else had a bloody ankle when he helped win the World Series in '04. It was the ultimate gypsy sign, and at that point I was convinced that the Red Sox would win that year.
 My mother decided that the Rockies would beat us since they had come back to win like 21 games or something to make it to the end. I looked at her when she said that and told her that she must be getting old, and that she wasn't allowed to even glance at the TV during the games.
I of course was correct, and that's when I got wrapped around the idea that I really want 2 in a row. But when we didn't win last year we had to start all over. It's very stressful on me, and I get a little emotional. I taught Gilda how to cheer properly for the BoSox this year. It is adorable. She sings, "let's go Red Sox" and does the little clap. She is so born into it.

So my nails won't look like a hot mess the entire month, I guess that's the silver lining in the situation. Until next year, here's to anyone but the Yankees winning it all! Nothing but love for my husband, Jason Varitek, my boyfriend Jonathan Papelbon, and my honey bunnhy bear Jacoby Ellsbury.

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