Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

Friday, December 18, 2009

Love and Marrige...what's taking so freaking long guys?

There's been a lot of wedding talk in my world lately. The BFF is on the verge of being the E word...but we won't say that word because if it doesn't happen soon then she just might snap and stab her boyfriend in the jugular. Let's all hope he does it soon to avoid any bloodshed.

BFF's "E" situation has got me thinking, and the other night my friend and I started to discuss the whole length of relationships and whatnot.

Our conclusion was that we feel people just wait too darn long to get engaged/married. The other day I was at work and I asked this guy coworker if he was planning on marrying his girlfriend in the near future. I know that I shouldn't have asked, but I was being nosey, I mean curious...but do you know what this little boy did after I asked him? He looked at me, cocked his head to the side and with a confussed look on his face as if someone had told him that the world had suddenly put a ban on all video games gave me his answer, "Eh, I don't know. I'm not really sure about her."

Excuse me? You're not sure about her? Hmmmm, that's odd, I would have thought that maybe you might have thought about it a little harder in the last three years that you've been living with her. Silly me.

The cold part about this particular situation? He's 23, so yes, he's still super young. He has a right to still want to see what's out there before he settles down with a ball and chain, except for the fact that his potential ball and chain is 28 years old. The definition of 28 being two years until the age of 30.

I told Mr. 23 that he should know by now if he wanted to be with Ms. Almost 30, and that if he wasn't sure at this point in the game then he was wasting her time. I'm not going to lie that I'm a little nervous that he might break-up with her, because if he does then Ms. "Almost 30" might become Ms. "I'm going to kick you're meddling ass for sticking your nose where it doesn't belong."

But...Mr. 23 is my perfect example of what I'm talking about. It just takes too damn long for men to make an honest woman out of any of us anymore.

My friend that I was discussing this subject with the other night agreed with me. We feel that when you meet someone you should know within a month if you would want to marry someone. After that you should take a year to make sure that your feelings are geniune, and not lust driven. After a year you officially spit on the girl to make her yours by putting a ring on her finger. Depending on whether or not there is a bun in the oven/deportation issues take another good eight months to plan the wedding. Those extra eight months are there for you to get the name of a good attorney if you decide you're having second thoughts, because once you send out those save the dates you better be ready to walk down that asile whether you like it or not. You can get that thing annulled later, better that than having the embarressment of calling it off.

I feel like men and women are waiting around for this unicorn of a perfect mate. I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but unicorns never existed. Move on, find someone you enjoy spending time with that makes you feel good. Once you do that, get married. The worse case senerio is you made a mistake, but that's what divorce is for. And if you're looking for advice on that subject I urge you to read Elizabeth Taylor's autobiography.

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