Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

Sunday, June 28, 2009

what a week!

I have to say, this week has been a tough one. I personally feel, and most people agree with me, that I win for worse week ever!!! Sunday I get told by the guy I'm seeing that he doesn't want to date me, one of the major reasons being my apparent lack of commitment to my faith, which is honestly the cruelest things anyone has ever said to me...but moving along, I get up the next morning after crying my eyes out over that, and decide that my number one goal for the day is to not cry. I must say I did quite well for the first 40 minutes, while I was getting ready, but then I walked out to my car and I'm thinking why is there glass all around my car? how weird...oh crap....and then I realize it's because someone has smashed my window in. So I stand there for a good two minutes, just staring at it, and then I call my dad and no sooner does he say hello that I lose it, I mean I'm in the middle of my street in full blown tears. Yes, I was doing my ugly cry, which for those of you that have seen me, is not pretty. He of course consoles my for both of the reasons behind my tears, and then I call the police and the mobile glass man to get the process started so I can try and go to work by noon. As I assess the situation I just continue to cry, at this point I have no control, but oh well, good thing I didn't put makeup on that morning. So as I look around my car, which looks like a small storage center for all the things I keep in it, I notice that even though my stereo is not missing, my ipod and adapter is, plus my Rascal Flatts, T.I. and Pride & Prejudice soundtrack CDs...BUT my Kerri Hilson, another Rascal Flatts and Mama Mia soundtrack are still there. What the heck??? Who steals a Pride & Prejudice soundtrack??? By the way, if any of you are judging me on that, you don't know what's up with my love for p&p...I named my dog Mr. Darcy for goodness sake!
But back on track! I guess it is obvious that I did not have the best start for the week. Well, I did okay the rest of the week, I have a lot of very good friends, who I can never say I adore enough, plus my fantastic roommates. Gotta love them.
I ended up taking Friday off, and went to breakfast with my mom. After breakfast we couldn't decide what to do so I suggested we go to Honda and look at cars. Well, long story short, I ended up buying a new civic. Yes, I know all of you are thinking, it's about time!!!! I do think it's funny that my POS that I've been driving for the last 6 years still is valued at $6,000. That is why I buy civics, because those suckers hold their value. No more thinking the bottom is going to fall out when we go over a speed bump, I am now driving a STANDARD 2007 Honda Civic. So, maybe I didn't have the best first part of the week, but I think I ended it on a good note. Now I just have to go sell my old car! Wish me luck on that!
Friday night Jenni, Jessi Lindsey and Eddie and myself headed up to go camping. The weekend was fun, it was hotter than sin though! I fell asleep in a chair on the shore, and half of me was under an umbrella, the other half was out for the sun to beat down on, so my knees got burned pretty bad. I also ended up messing up my wrist and breaking a nail somehow, I don't know what happened. On the way home today we stopped so I could use the ladies room and it happened to be at a bar, so Jenni and I took the opportunity to take a quick shot. Jenni picks a washington apple shooter with vodka instead of crown royal. The only proble, the lady doesn't really know what she's doing so Jenni ends up trying to help her, but it still doesn't end up right. It literally tasted like spoiled Hawaiian Punch, if that's even a good example. So, for those of you who are not familiar....

How to make a Washington Apple shooter

1. fill a cocktail shaker with ice, if no cocktail shacker is available a tall glass that you can cover to shake can be used.

2. add one ounce Crown Royal, one ounce sour apple pucker and two onces cranberry juice. Shake for about 15 seconds.

3. fill two shooter glasses and enjoy!

For those of you who do not like whiskey, you can make this beverage with vodka instead of the crown.

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