Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I am totally my mother's daughter.

The examples are endless, from my taste in decor to my ability to show my distaste in a single look. My dark sense of humor? Hers. Ever wonder where I get my gypsy powers from...yep her again. So it only makes sense that I would share her love and obsession with The Royal Family.

That's right, those Brits are fascinating to us. We can't get enough of it. The fashion, the scandel, and especially the weddings.

Let me take you back in time to the year 1981.The wedding of Prince Charles to Lady Diana. It was the wedding of the century or something like that. Everyone was super excited and wanted to watch it. My mother purchases a $300 used VCR to record the festivities. Because VCR's weren't a household staple yet my parents slept that night with the TV on as well as the volume because they weren't sure if it needed to be like that to record. I have seen that wedding a gazillion times because my mother had that tape.

Back to present day. Prince William is finally going to marry Kate Middleton. I am super excited, as are my girlfriends for a new royal wedding. I started planning my royal wedding party/sleepover to watch it live. It was going to be super fun.

Then they announced the date of the wedding. April 29th.

April 29th...meaning April 30th is the next day.

April 30th is the BFF's wedding date.

Why is the universe punishing me??????? How can I possibly have my royal wedding watching party/sleepover at 3 in the morning and then get up and help my best friend get married? I can't. It's just not fair. I think that someone needs to change the day they get married, and my BFF has had her date set for about 10 months now, so I don't think it should have to be her...I'm just saying...

Well, at least in this day and age we have DVR.

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