Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Because apparently I've been "lagging"

I don't really have much to share at the moment. I apologize that my life might seem boring. I promise you it is not, but like my mother would say, I don't like to air out my dirty laundry in public. I keep certain things to myself. Besides, a little mystery never hurt anyone right? So instead, tonight you will get a hodgepodge of my thoughts over the last month or so.

First off...

The State of the Union/ the President/Chris Matthews/Sarah Palin/whatever else comes to my mind on this subject.

Ok, so I didn't vote for our current president. I know, big surprise. I'll give you a minute to process that.

Le Sigh...

When Obama was elected I was furious. Not at him, but at my counrty. I felt annoyed as someone who has been involved with politics and had trecked my ass to the voting booths for years, be bombarded by people who have never cared suddenly feel the urge to pick up a ballot and check a man's name without really knowing anything about his platform. In this last local election I would bet a million greek dollars that those same people didn't even know who was running for city council. I am angry at the way this county treats this man, who has yet to do anything but talk a lot. I am angry that this man's vice president, who is such a douche bag had the nerve to say that the Iraq War is going to be, "One of Obama's greatest achivements." Excuse me? You make me want to punch you repeatedly in the jugular Mr. Biden. Are you retarded???

I am very optimistic about -- about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government. 

The status of forces agreement with Iraq that negotiated the troop withdrawl that Biden is referencing was done by the Republican Bush administration.

Both Obama and Biden were against more U.S. troops being sent out in 2007, which is credited for helping create the stability that  is needed for U.S. troops to leave Iraq. In fact both Obama and Biden felt that sending more troops in '07 would hinder not help the effort in Iraq, yet they were wrong and are now taking credit for what the Bush administration put together. Interesting.

By the way, how's everyone's free health care going? Right...

I didn't watch the State of the Union. I didn't want to throw up in my mouth or get angry and throw my remote control at the wall. I'm trying to be less aggressive. So what pissed me off about the State of the Union is what MSNBC commintator Chris Matthews said about it. He said he was so moved or whatever by The President's speech that he, "forgot Obama was black."

So inapproproite. Yet this man still has a job, but again, I would bet a million greek dollars that if Bill O'Reilly had said the same EXACT thing, with the same EXACT explanation of why he said it people would be screaming for his head on a platter. I call bullshit.

On to Sarah Palin. I just love her. She is the cutest thing since sliced bread. I just wish she'd hire a speech coach. And when I mean speech coach I mean someone to help her get ride of that damn Alaskan accent she has. It's fucking annoying. Do I think she'll ever be president? No, but I still have mad love for her. And Press Secretary Gibbs is a jerk for making fun of my girl and her notes written on her hand. I do that all the time dude, and that just proves that Sarah is a multitasker like moi. Sometimes when inspiration comes to you there isn't time to look for a piece of scratch paper.

Can we talk about Anderson Cooper for just a second? Why does he have to be gay?!? The fact that he will neither deny or confirm this as fact leaves me a small thread of hope to cling to, because even in all his liberalness he is my soul mate.

Next subject....

Super bowl commercials

I really liked this one. I felt it was really a nice message of making the right decision for you. As GOP as I am I am pro-choice. That's what this whole life is about. Making choices. When we take that away from people than we are no better than Castro and Cuba. Part of making that choice is getting to see both sides of the picture, I think that this commercial did a good job of sharing one woman's decision. For some reason feminists around the nation felt this was an example of violence againt women. To the women who are complaining about this one, SHUT UP.

All I can say about this one is that I thank Baby Jesus every night that we don't live in a world like the one depicted in this commerical. Nuff said.

I heart Betty White!!!! Golden Girl fan for Life!!!!

On the same note, I am so glad that the Super Bowl is over...I don't like football. Viva La Red Sox!!!

I also noticed something as of late. When did the music I listened to as a teenager become retro? I was driving somewhere and the radio said it was retro in the metro and then procceded to play a song that came out when I was a senior in high school. Erroneous!!!!

A song that came out when I was a senior in high school is not "retro"

A song that came out when my parents where seniors in high school is.

I feel bad for this new generation though. When I was in middle school and high school we had good music. All around the board too. We had Weezer and Smashing Pumpkins and Tupac and Biggie and Mac Dre. What does this generation have? Retards that take songs from when I was young and remix them until you can barely recognize it and say to yourself, "hey! is that Tom Petty's Freefalling as the hook for this hip hop song???" It's bullshit.

Which brings me to John Mayer.

Dude, what's wrong with you? You are actually a gifted artist, that cranks out songs I can actually sing along with. You are pretty smokin' hot, and you totally were boning Jennifer Aniston. You're life seems pretty awesome so why, WHY do you say stoopid things?

Celeberty rule of thumb...never EVER say the N word in an interview.

Life rule of thumb...never EVER say the N word in an interview.

It's just not cool.

You are retarded John Mayer.

This concludes my rant for the evening. I hope you all enjoyed it, I know I did.

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