Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Video Killed the Radio Star

Ok, so I wasn't going to talk about this because frankly I'm slightly embarrassed that I did this, but eh, who am I kidding? I do a lot of embarrassing things.

I called into a radio station this morning.

There, I said it...I know so dumb right?



I swear I am not the type to usually do something like this, but I could not help it. It all started with me getting into my car at 7:30am to drive in traffic for an hour just to get to work. I usually listen to Sarah and Vinnie in the morning because they are awesome, but this morning my radio was already on another station when I got into the car so I got sucked in. But seriously, listen to Sarah and Vinnie, funny!

I guess this station does confession thursday or something but they had this 20 year old guy on the show who said that he lied to women about being an extra in the movie Twilight and that he had basically nailed 3 chicks and (in his own words) "A Twilight Mom" But then the Twilight Mom calls in! Her name is Nancy and she says that she's pretty sure she's the mom he is refering to because how many other guys in the Sacramento area are out there claiming to be an extra in the Twilight movie? My guess, I'd say none before today, but probably a good handful now that this guy was on the radio talking about his lame way of getting laid.

So Nancy goes on to say that she feels "sick to her stomach" and is "pissed" that this little douche bag lied to her. She explains that she had met the guy through her daughter, and that she was 40 years old.

This is when I get irritated enough to reach for my phone. I was risking a cell phone ticket for driving while talking on the phone to comment on this dumb broad, that's how upset I was!

I didn't say too much on the actual radio, I'm trying to calm it down a bit. First I will tell you what my conversation was like on-air and then I will go on into more detail about how I really feel about Nancy, and as I go to sleep tonight I will pray that somehow Nancy finds my blog and actually reads what I have to say about her pathetic ass.

Ok, so basically what I said on the air was that I thought Nancy was not cool, that she is a mom and how gross is she. Her daughter introduced her to the guy, and that my mom would never do anything like that (I also, when told what the defenition of a virgin was at five years old was shocked to find out that my mother was not one. Go figure, but she swears that is the day that I removed her from her pedestal) I also said that if some guy came up to me and used that he was and extra in Twilight as a pick up line I would be like, "who really gives a shit?" I called her pathetic.

What I really wanted to say, but didn't want to be too much of an asshole on the radio is that Nancy is a great example of what is wrong with our society today.

I am dead serious.

Look, before I go on, I am aware that there are women who end up with younger men. I am not judging dating a younger guy, as much as I am judging giving away your vagina for free because a guy, who probably banged your daughter with the same line, told you some crazy bullshit story.

Now I will continue.

IF I WERE NANCY this shit would have never went down. I don't give a damn if Robert Pattinson himself came up to me, you don't just do that! I know that 99% of us have in the past made stupid mistakes, but you learn from them, and by the age of 40 I hope to hell that you will have learned the lesson by then. Especially if you are a mother. Come on, be a grown up.

Nancy, you are a pathetic loser. These are your rules to follow from now on when it comes to your vagina.
  1. You are not allowed to bone your daughter's friends, aqaintances, co-worker etc.
  2. You are not allowed to be in the same catagory as STOOOPID young girls who fall for pickup lines from douchebags.
  3. You are not allowed to show your vagina to anyone who is not old enough to purchase alchohol.
Nancy you are guilty of all these offenses. What do you have to say for yourself? For your punishment you must do the following:
  • delete any myspace or facebook page you may have.
  • you must stop treating your daughter like she is your friend.
  • you are not allowed to wear anything that reads BEBE across the chest or JUICY across the butt.
That last rule should really apply to everyone...

Nancy, do you realize that slutty people like you and possibly your daughter are the reason that women like me have to work a million times harder to have men respect us and not just try to get into our pants? Do you realize that everytime you casually give up your vagina you are validating to all men out there that all of us women will do the same? And why are you going to get mad at this guy for tricking you? That's what guys do! They try to get some whenever they can. When I was 13 my dad had a "sex" talk with me. It was about thiry seconds long. Do you know what he said? "Guys think about sex all the time. Guys are ready to have sex all the time. If the wind blows, they're ready."

I didn't really understand what he meant at the time, but I figured it out pretty quick. Nancy, my dad is correct. If you and all the other vagina giver-outers would stop being so quick to give out the goods men would have to try harder, they would have to actually get to know a woman before she shared. Stop allowing men to behave this way ladies, and maybe they will stop making up lame ass ways to try and get some.

And by the way, I think that this stations morning show is cool too now.


  1. So true! I hope she finds this blog too. I mean what did she expect??

  2. HAHA, what if somebody came up to you and said they were in the movie "The Devil Wears Prada"? Not so cut-and-dry, eh? ;)

  3. Oh know I don't fall for lines like that ;)
