Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

Thursday, April 8, 2010

So, I had a dream that Kate Gosselin died the other night. It was a very realistic dream too. I remember that in it I was thinking, "Oh man, those poor kids have to be raised by their douche bag dad now...bummer."

It was also one of those dreams where I didn't think about it when I woke up, but then the next morning as I was reading my E News Daily via my phone I saw something about Kate Gosselin and her performance on the last episode of DWTS. (for those of you unfamiliar, that stands for Dancing with the Stars, which is a ridiculously corny concept that actually became a major success. Weird.) So I see this article and am like, "Oh shit! She's NOT dead." I actually totally thought she was dead. I mean, I was actually confussed for a second there like, wait a minute...didn't she die? Then I felt this wave of relief that she was alive, which lasted for about 5 seconds, and was immediatly replaced with a feeling of ughhhhh, because then I was thinking, "Oh man, those poor kids have to be raised by their douche bag mom now...bummer"

Seriously, it's gotten a little ridiculous. I don't know how this woman has managed to stay in the spotlight for so long. How is she even on DWTS? She's not a star, she's a lady. A lady who happened to house six babies in her uterus at one time. I don't care about her. And I really don't care about whether or not she learns how to cha cha cha.

I don't watch the show regularly, but I happened to stop by my mom's house the other night (Why do I do that?!?! I always say, "I'm going to my mom's" or "I'm headed to my dad's" No wonder everyone thinks my parents are divorced...I act like the two don't even live together.) But anyway, I was over at MY PARENTS house, and my mom loves the show, so I watched it with her. I love that America voted off Buzz Aldrin, a war hero and the second man to walk on the moon, yet they vote to keep Kate Gosslin. Seriously, there is something wrong with our society.

You know who I would want to see on that show? Remember the guy who played Jake in the movie Sixteen Candles? You know, the guy Molly Ringwald's character had a crush on, and then he shows up at her sister's wedding and gives her a birthday know who I am talking about. Where did he ever even go anyway? He was adorable. ABC, go find him, then I'll watch your show.

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