Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ok, came across this randomly and thought it was adorable...Sort of got a little verklempt in the end too. Guess I'm not all jaded yet.

Monday, June 21, 2010

For Father's Day I went and hung out with "The Big Chief." i.e. my dad. Why do I call him, The Big Chief? Because many moons ago when I was around five years old my dad told me to do something. When I argued with him and asked why I should have to listen to him he simply responded, "Because I'm the big chief, and you're the little indian." Way to really tell me dad. Let's just say that my liberal mother didn't really let that analogy stick.

You see, my dad is pretty much the human version of Calvin's dad from the Calvin and Hobbes cartoons. It's not that he doesn't know that answers, but sometimes I think he thought that the questions I would ask were ridiculous so he would just go with it. My dad is smart, let's not get any wrong idea's here, it's just that he got stuck with a beautiful, talented awesome kid (moi) that happened to ask a few too many questions.

So anywho...

My dad wants to go to Jamba Juice and the bookstore. So I'm like sure, ok. Then he says that he wants to take the dog. I felt we shouldn't. I told him that I don't think that Mr Darcy is going to be very welcomed in either of those places. But my dad is insistant that we take him, and by this point Mr Darcy has heard that he gets to go and starts getting all worked up and wheezing like a little boy with asthma who didn't get picked dead last for a dodgeball team, so I can't say no now. Basically, the little prince comes with us, and when we get there he refuses to jump out of the car because he knows that I will carry him. So I'm carring 17 pounds of white marshmellow fluff in 100 degree weather, and we walk into Jamba Juice.

"You can't have that dog in here."
"Dude, I'm just reading your menu and then I'm leaving."
No response, turns and walks to the back.

I think this is the first time in history that this dog has been rejected. I honestly have took him into numerous establishments, and never once had anyone say anything other than, "OMG!!! THAT IS THE CUTEST DOG EVER!!!" Seriously, I think about buying a bus and traveling around the country with him to promote friendship and goodwill. It's like he shits joy. People can't get enough of him. I mean look at him...who wouldn't love this guy?
But whatever, so I'm outside drinking death in a cup for diabetics with my dad. We decide to head to the book store so he can get a book about something Civil War related. My dad is totally pro American, so I think that the Civil War is his favorite war because it was America against America. No matter what America was always winning.

Again, I am carrying the dog.

We walk in, and my dad finds the book in about 2.5 seconds, goes to the register and starts to buy the book. The little 19 year old Asian girl makes the mistake of asking him what his phone number is.

Dad "Why the Hell do you need to know that?"
Me "It's to see if you have a rewards card dad, it's not for Big Brother."

19 year old Asian girl "Um, well, for health code purposes you can't have the dog in here."
Me "He's my guide dog."
19 year old Asian girl "Oh...ok."
Dad "What did she just ask?" (have I mentioned my dad has really bad hearing? He does.)
Me silence...
Dad "Is she serious? I'm buying the freaking book and she says something now?"
Me "dad, it's fine."
Dad "that is retarded."
19 year old Asian girl silence...fear in her eyes.
Me "DAD!"

We leave with my dad ranting a little. I remind him that I told him we shouldn't have brought the dog with us. He insists that he takes him everywhere and never has a problem. I express the fact that the two places we tried to go today both told us to go to Hell with our little puppy, but that he doesn't need to be so cranky and that he almost made the little Asian girl cry and is that what he wants?

He response, "Yes"

Love you dad, you're the crankiest Big Chief I know, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

Sunday, June 20, 2010